Thursday, September 22, 2011

Adding Strengthfinders 2.0 to your System

Hey Hi Everybody,

Still P.U.M.P.ed up?

I’ve heard back from quite a few of you ... I’m really glad! Feel free to reach out and contact me here or via email ( or that old fashioned thing called a telephone 262-391-3828. If you have questions or you would like to flesh out an idea or two, I’m happy to do that with you. That’s what our Coaches Corner Forum is intended to do. I love it!

Last time we talked about initial steps to helping you “P.U.M.P.” up the Passionate Performance of the members in your team The PUMP Up Your Bottom Line System. We revisited the D.I.G. concept. We explored the D. and the I. and the G (Give your Gifts) we will cover in future conversations.

Here’s a quick review:

Discover what truly makes them unique

Inventory their successes and their achievements. We covered a technique that would help in inventorying situations where they “hit it out of the park”. They will start to collect a story or two, using the C.A.R. stories formula, Challenge – Action – Results, this is where the 80%-20 rule starts to kick in. These mini stories begin collecting evidence that supports their 20% - their “go to” strengths that will generate their 80% results. This is where they can begin to maximize then capitalize on their “Inspired action not just their Required action”.

Here’s a tip

As I mentioned in the PUMPed presentation, I’m a huge fan of the book and assessment tool Strengthfinders 2.0 by Tom Rath. . My recommendation is to have this report along-side while they are crafting their C.A.R. mini stories. I encourage individuals to read through the report and circle the words or phrases that reflect the essence of who they feel they are. As they begin to write (and I feel it’s important to write these stories out – not just think through them) they should “harvest” the words and phrases they’ve circle. It’s wonderful to have your team members start to read these stories out load, to either you their leader or to the team. You can see their confidence in who they are, grow right in front of your eyes. They start to see a pattern in how they make a difference, starting to emerge. They are having a stronger sense of who they are, what they do and soon – they will have a strong positive view of the organization. We will talk about that soon. After all, you ultimately want them not only believing in themselves, but the company for whom they are working. Right?

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