Monday, August 24, 2009

I know, I know. You hate that word networking

Based on many of our conversations from last week’s High-Tech Community Resource Career Fair, there are so many folks that have real concerns about the progress of their job search. I will be blogging to offer pieces of advice on to how to advance your search for that dream career.

Tip # 1 Networking -

I know, I know ... you all hate that word. Everyone harps on how important it is to network. To talk to as many people as you can about what kind of work you are looking for. Your hopes are that somebody - anybody will know if there is an opening somewhere - anywhere. The mistake most folks make is they are simply asking, "I do XYZ, do you know anyone who is hiring for XYZ jobs?" Here is what I want you to take to heart. In reality very few people know what actual positions are available in a given company unless they, themselves, are the hiring manager or they happen - just happen to see a posting within the company they work for. Maybe, just by pure circumstance, they may have been told by a friend or colleague they are looking for a XYZ person to hire.

Here is Common Mistake #1.

If you simply ask people if they know anyone who is hiring for what you are searching for, you will most likely get a, "Hum, let me think about that ... Gee, no I don't know anyone who is hiring, sorry." Well as much as I believe that person would truly like to help you, the conversation pretty much ends right there.

I don't like those odds. And I would guess to most who go about the job search, this conversation sounds pretty familiar.

I would much rather you have people champion your cause. People who would say, "I don't know if anyone is hiring for XYZ position, but I do know a couple of people I think you might be interested in talking with who do XYZ for ABC industry. They may not be hiring, but they might know a few other people with whom you should talk." Now, you can get some traction.

Solution to Common Mistake #1:

Ask to be introduced to anyone who is in ABC industry. You have a perfect opportunity to do a well thought out - well-executed informational interview. This approach has a great deal more impact with new acquaintances. There is no pressure to "interview for a job" you are simply "talking shop". You are learning more about them and their organization, how they are fairing in these tough economic times. Your passions ignite, their passions ignite and all of a sudden you are truly enjoying the conversation. More importantly, you have found an ally. One who will be able to help you with the most important question of all, "Do you know anyone else with whom I should talk?" Then you can repeat the entire process.

See chapter 9 in Cash In On the Passion Do What You Love ... Love What You Do for more important strategies on informational interviewing.

Susie Mathews
Career Coach

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