Tuesday, September 27, 2011

MIRACLES --- Fun, Easy Things You Can Do Every Day to Achieve Your Dream

You have started to identify what it is you want to go after. You have uncovered your purpose and you have a pretty clear vision of your heart’s desire. (If this is not clear, you are going to want to invest time and energy in exploring this deeper http://www.winning-directions.com/products.asp ). You have seen a dream begin to unfold in front of you like a beautiful lotus flower. You have systematically explored and revealed to yourself the kind of environment in which you would thrive. You have brought your skills, talents, and abilities, one at a time, into view. You now understand and embrace your uniqueness and the vision you have for yourself.

The most common hurdle folks face at this point is, “Where do I start? How am I going to make my dream come true?” This kind of uncertainty can manifest itself into fear and can stop us dead in our tracks. Because we don’t see a well-worn path in front of us, we often times believe the journey is going to be long and hard. Not knowing where the road to our dreams will take us makes us hesitate and even put off the very things we need to do to begin our voyage.

A favorite query posed by people attending my workshops is “Are we going to talk about the strategy of how I begin to transition to making this dream my primary source of income? How can I pursue my dream and have people pay me for it?”

My response: “Miracles can and do happen!” I usually get unsatisfied gazes in return. People in search of a fulfilling career don’t want to hear about miracles. In the past, miracles haven’t abounded in their lives and most folks just aren’t convinced that one is going to simply show up in one the most important endeavors of their life, the very thing they want to hang their future on. Skepticism abounds, believe me.

“Well,” I tell them, “you can plan miracles in your life.” Eyes begin to light up again, ears perk to listen. By dedicating time daily to their miracle plan, they can and will see themselves growing in the way that will bring their hopes to reality.

In the next few weeks, I would like to share with you a strategy that I’ve used for years as a career coach. It’s a method that will help you build your MIRACLES. Yep … you guessed it. Do you feel another acronym comin’ on? In the next series of blogs I would like to offer techniques and insights you might want to use to help you be confident that you are moving in the right direction. You can and should become a well informed consumer about the path you take with your career and the upcoming blogs will reveal another letter of the acronym and another method that will allow you to take the right course of action to achieving your dream.

So stay tuned…

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