Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Our Returning Vets are Great Hires

Time Magazine is showcasing what I've been saying for a long time. Our returning Vets from Iraq and Afganistan are "The New Greatest Generation". Highly developed leaders that know how to focus, overcome and get it done. As one soldier noted, the life-and-death decisions he made in warfare make the decisions in the workplace pretty easy by comparison. Check out this video, but more - read the article when you can Aug. 29 2011 edition. To all my Vet friends, Love ya - thank you for your service once again. Hire a Vet if you get a chance. You will be glad you did.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Live Life Large

Well, we can live life large ... full of love and happiness ... or ... we don't. Forgive me, I think it's that simple. Love the life you have... Choose to make the journey - down your life path, if not, it will raise it's head later. Then it might be too late. LOVE,... love if you can, and love everything about where you are personally. Then things... magically fall into place. I always love that.

Love you.
